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Gelam The Man from Moa Featured

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This book is a new edition of a book first launched 30 years ago, but which has remained out of print since. The book - Gelam the Man from Moa is a beautifully illustrated story by talented artist from the Torres Strait - Anne Abednego Gela, which tells the legend of the creation of the island of Mer. The story was told to Anne when she was just nine years old, by her mother's relatives. There are various versions of the story, this one is the story Anne was told all those years ago. Anne, from Rockhampton is a respected elder who works in her community on behalf of the Torres Strait people who reside there. She is also an established and talented artist, who shares her skills in printing, painting and other crafts with both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people. The illustrations for this new book were done by Anne over the past two years, and they enhance the story of Gelam beautifully.
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